Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Due to the risk of infection, we are not able to kiss Lexi on the lips. Tonight, she told me, "when I get better, I can have kisses on the lips again!!" God love her. 

Lexi's doctors told us it's best not to kiss her on the lips for a couple reasons.

One reason is that (obviously) mouth to mouth contact causes germs to spread. A lot of people don't realize it, but, you could be sick & not even know it. You could have a cold or the flu for days without showing symptoms or running a fever. Lexi's immunity is so low that she can catch any sickness very easily. She could catch a persons flu or cold before that person even realized they were sick. Therefore, we have to be extremely careful with how we 'love on Lexi.'

Another reason is because anything that comes out of lexi- tears, saliva, snot, drool, pee, poop (tmi, but oh well) contains chemo--which is toxic poison. It is not safe for us to ingest or let it get into our skin. So, we have to be careful with how we handle those things. We are hand washing, germ-x freaks. 

I can not wait until I can kiss Lexi on her lips again!! But, for the next two years, instead of kisses on the lips, we give 'muggies' (eskimo kisses), butterfly kisses & of course, kisses on the cheek.  

Please go kiss your babies on the lips tonight! & be thankful you are able to do so! 

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